Medical Oncologist — EMPD Doctors — EMPD

Medical Oncologist

Dr. Dawn Klemow-Reed, MD

Dr. Dawn Klemow-Reed, MD

A medical oncologist, Dawn Klemow-Reed, M.D., specializes in the areas of breast cancer and benign hematology. Her primary emphasis is determining therapeutic approaches to eliminate cancer cells and prevent their spread throughout the body. Based on her experience and knowledge of new breast cancer therapeutics, Dr. Klemow-Reed offers a comprehensive range of treatment options to patients. This includes both traditional and new alternatives – chemotherapy drugs, biologic agents, and hormonal therapy. Her expertise includes presenting alternatives with less toxicity than conventional chemotherapy.

Dr. Christopher W. Ryan, MD

Dr. Christopher W. Ryan, MD

Dr. Christopher Ryan specializes in the treatment of sarcomas (rare bone and soft tissue tumors) and genitourinary cancers (kidney, bladder, prostate and testicle cancers). He strives to offer the latest treatments to his patients through clinical trials. He is inspired by his many patients who received breakthrough treatments in clinical trials before those treatments were widely available.

Dr. Evan J. Lipson, MD

Dr. Evan J. Lipson, MD

Evan J. Lipson, M.D., is a medical oncologist at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital, as well as an assistant professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Lipson established the Johns Hopkins Melanoma Program at Sibley in 2012 and opened the program's first clinical trial in the Washington, D.C. region in 2015. He is board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology. 

Dr. Lipson has an expertise in melanoma and treatment of patients with cutaneous malignancies, specifically regarding the use of novel immunotherapies.