冬天也會"胯下癢"! 自行買錯藥皮膚恐變薄

冬天也會"胯下癢"! 自行買錯藥皮膚恐變薄


李孟穗指出,很多皮膚病都會出現胯下癢的情形,可能是黴菌、細菌、病原蟲感染造成的,也可能是皮膚受到持續摩擦刺激,再加上衣褲包覆悶熱導致,包括股癬、念珠菌感染、紅癬、疥瘡、陰蝨、濕疹、對磨疹或少見的乳房外柏杰氏病(Extramammary Paget's disease, EMPD)等疾病。

Living with a rare skin disease

Living with a rare skin disease

David Kendall shares his story

David Kendall has Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD), a rare cancer-related condition which is characterised externally by a chronic eczema-style rash of the skin in the anogenital regions or as is the case with David, the groin area.

Doctors described David’s EMPD case as “one in a million” due to its rarity, with the result being that he has found it difficult to access definitive information about it online.

Il morbo di Paget extramammario

Il morbo di Paget extramammario

Il morbo di Paget extramammario è una neoplasia spesso non diagnosticata clinicamente e che deve essere conosciuta per poterla porre in diagnosi differenziale. Si tratta istologicamente di un carcinoma intraepidermico a differenziazione ghiandolare apocrina, di solito localizzato in aree ove sono presenti ghiandole sudoripare.

East Kilbride family man takes on Men's 10K on Father's Day for charity based on his own experiences with skin cancer

East Kilbride family man takes on Men's 10K on Father's Day for charity based on his own experiences with skin cancer

An East Kilbride dad will take on a charity 10K on Father’s Day as he bids to raise money based on his own experiences with skin cancer. 

Dad-of-two David Kendall (57), who suffers from a skin condition called Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD), hopes his efforts will boost the funds of the British Skin Foundation by £1000.

The illness is a rare cancer-related condition which is characterised externally by a chronic eczema-style rash of the skin in the anogenital regions, and in David’s case, the groin area.

Jangan Anggap Remeh Gatal-Gatal Di 5 Area Vital Laki-Laki Ini

Jangan Anggap Remeh Gatal-Gatal Di 5 Area Vital Laki-Laki Ini

Skrotum atau area kulit testis, atau lebih awam dikenal dengan istilah area buah zakar, kerap juga menjadi sasaran keluhan gatal pada area alat vital pria. Berikut beberapa pencetus keluhan gatal pada area buah zakar:

- Eksim: merupakan suatu penyakit kulit kronis yang ditandai dengan gatal, peradangan dan kemerahan pada kulit

- Extramammary Paget’s disease: merupakan suatu keganasan kulit pada kulit skrotum yang terlihat serupa dengan eksim.

Penting diketahui, karena kondisi gatal yang muncul pada area skrotum seringkali kronis (menahun) jangan menunda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pengobatan.

Jangan Sepelekan Gatal di Sekitar Kemaluan Pria!

Jangan Sepelekan Gatal di Sekitar Kemaluan Pria!

Skrotum atau area kulit testis, atau lebih awam dikenal dengan istilah area buah zakar, kerap juga menjadi sasaran keluhan gatal pada area alat vital pria. Berikut beberapa pencetus keluhan gatal pada area buah zakar:

  • Eksim: merupakan suatu penyakit kulit kronis yang ditandai dengan gatal, peradangan dan kemerahan pada kulit

  • Extramammary Paget’s disease: merupakan suatu keganasan kulit pada kulit skrotum yang terlihat serupa dengan eksim.

Penting diketahui, karena kondisi gatal yang muncul pada area skrotum seringkali kronis (menahun) jangan menunda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pengobatan.

MSK Researchers Develop Targeted Test for Mutations in Both Rare and Common Cancers

MSK Researchers Develop Targeted Test for Mutations in Both Rare and Common Cancers

Building on our rich history of innovation, genome scientists, bioinformaticians and molecular pathologists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center have developed a targeted tumor sequencing test, MSK-IMPACT™ (Integrated Mutation Profiling of Actionable Cancer Targets), to detect gene mutations and other critical genetic aberrations in both rare and common cancers. Until now, genomic testing of tumors has been routine practice only for patients with certain solid tumors, such as melanoma, lung, and colon cancer. MSK-IMPACT™ is much more inclusive and can be used on any solid tumor regardless of its origin, potentially offering better treatment options for thousands of patients in the form of precision oncology

Extramammary Paget's Needs More Than Mohs

Extramammary Paget's Needs More Than Mohs

Extramammary Paget’s disease poses a particular challenge because of its multifocal/multicentric nature.

"What you see with extramammary Paget’s is not necessarily what you get," Dr. Theodore Rosen cautioned at the Hawaii Dermatology Seminar sponsored by Skin Disease Education Foundation (SDEF).

This is an uncommon neoplasia that’s typically described as an erythematous, erosive, itchy patch or plaque having a strawberries-and-cream appearance. Yet there may be other areas of subclinical involvement at a distance from the obvious lesion. 

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmMnODBDUPY

Immunostaining Can Help Classify Paget Disease

Immunostaining Can Help Classify Paget Disease

EMPD is an uncommon condition occurring primarily in the elderly, with more women than men affected. It arises as a cutaneous adenocarcinoma with a proclivity for sites rich in apocrine glands. Patients with EMPD often present with a prominent solitary plaque lesion in the anogenital or vulvar region. The lesion is erythematous, eczematous, and often pruritic. The course is often locally aggressive, with frequent recurrences.

What Caused this Patient’s Groin Itch?

What Caused this Patient’s Groin Itch?

Case Presentation A 67-year-old white man presented with a 6-month history of a slowly increasing in size, slightly pruritic, erythematous rash in his right lower abdominal quadrant extending to his inguinal fold and right side of his scrotum. He reported having a similar lesion in his right axilla 7 years earlier that was surgically excised with no clinical evidence of recurrence. Otherwise, he was healthy with no history of systemic diseases. On examination there was an 8-cm by 6-cm erythematous, slightly elevated, papillomatous plaque extending from his right pubic area to the right lateral scrotal wall. No alopecia was noted overlying the plaque. No inguinal lymphadenopathy was appreciated on nodal examination. A well-healed scar was present in the right axilla, but no axillary adenopathy was noted. A KOH preparation of the lesion was negative for hyphae. Histologic examination of a 4-mm punch biopsy specimen taken from the inguinal plaque revealed an atypical cellular proliferation composed of clear cells ascending through the epidermis. These cells were positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and mucicarmine stains. The S-100 stain did not stain these cells. What’s Your Diagnosis? Turn to page 98 for an answer and for more details.